I'm a senior at the University of North Texas getting a B.S. in Computer Science and a certificate in Game Programming. I'm always looking for ways to better myself and learn new technologies!
Cute Elephants
A simple website using FLickr's API to find cute elephant pictures at the touch of a button. Styled with Bulma and deployed using Middleman.
Ruby on Rails budgeting application
Lead developer of a multidisciplinary team, simple budgeting app that utilized UX/UI practices and agile methodology. Simple budgeting application targetting novice budgeters and college students with irregular income.
Laser Sharks
Unreal 4 project for a Game Programming course at UNT.
Created water biome environment, animated rigged mesh, implemented basic game structure for two game modes, and implemented AI behavior trees. (Github repo unavailable)
C++ 2D platformer made with DirectX and Visual Studio.
Lead programmer, implemented game mechanics, character control, Enemy AI, Game states and structure, animation and graphics.
I'm currently looking for entry level Software and Web Dev jobs and internships.
Aside from academics, I work as a Resident Assistant at Bruce Hall, one of the dorms at UNT. I have served in many
other leadership positions on campus, including being an
Orientation Leader and the Vice President of a student Organization that connected programmers and designers together to make websites and other neat projects.
Originally from Austin Tx, I'm currently living in the DFW area.
My hobbies include playing video games and
making music with my brothers.
The woman in the picture with me is my wonderful girlfriend,
Briana. She has supported me unconditionally through everything
and I cannot thank her enough for all of her love.